There is a great instruction on Steam how to do it but it is not precise yet and did not work for my case.
The issue with above-mentioned instruction is that it does not provide way to precisely recreate game save filenames. Unfortunately, the game-save tool does not print out full name of the files for some reason so we kind of guess. I hope it will be fixed soon but meanwhile you can use below approach.
Within saves folder you have file container.XYZ file which is basically map between Xbox file names and Snowrunner native filename which Steam is using. It is pretty easy to do this mapping manually especially for files with has sequential numbering.
In order to do it, you need a HEX editor. For example this works fine. Just open container.XYZ from your XBOX WGS folder in the HEX editor.
What we need to do next is to get XBOX name and rename file with this name to SnowRunner Steam name and we can do it by looking into hex editor.
The format is the following. Mapping starts with native/Steam filename and ends with HEX number of XBOX filename and then next file and so forth. Make sure you are looking at HEX number under the filename but not above otherwise it will be previous HEX file name - see on screenshot below. The same color highlights the same mapping.
Now looking it the right HEX number, there is a trick it needs to be read backwards. It is enough just 4 first HEX numbers.
See the yellow mapping on above screenshot:
Steam Filename = CommonSslSave
XBOX Filename = start with DA4F6B7F .... it is enough to find the file in XBOX WGS directory.
Then next one (Green) will be:
Steam Filename = CompleteSave
XBOX Filename = start with A27858B3
Now time to look at very reason to take this path which is sequential filenames (below screenshot) I don't know how my XBOX instance of SnowRunner ended up with such agly names but it fact and you can see why I got problems.
This one is expected:
Steam Filename = fog_level_us_01_03
XBOX Filename = start with F9EBF127
But this one is not:
Steam Filename = fog_level_us_01_04_new
XBOX Filename = start with 97A1246C
After you done, add .cfg at the end of every Steam file. Or you can do it straight away. So it will be:
In my case I had quite a few files ending with "_new"
Hence, going through entire HEX dump you can get exact filenames Steam version of SnowRunner needs. For me it solved the issue, which was disappearing Trucks and Fog on maps were reset to initial state even when I have done some progress in XBOX version.
Hope it's helpful!
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